Monday, October 15, 2012

"The Class"

Every student has different behavior. From the film “The Class” many character who acts as a student and a teacher. The Character from the teacher this are Stephen, harvie, Olivier, Patric, Anne, Isabelle, Frederic, Julie, Aline, Gilles, Francois and Mr. Marin who are the main character together with the students in the film “ The Class”. The Character from the students this are Esmeralda, Cherif, Burak, Damien, Henriette, Samantha, Balla, Rabah, Agame, Khoumba, Eva, Baubacars, Wei, Lucie, Soulemayne Justine, and Louise. Each student in the film “The Class” has different character but the main characters of the story are Mr. Marin the teacher who has a long patience to his/her students. He is willing to help her/his student to learn although his/her students are having bad attitude in the class because of different nationalities. Esmeralda one of her students that is very noisy and very interrupting in the class she is very curious and she’s not ashamed to throw a question to his teacher. Khoumba the seatmate of Esmeralda who is so hardheaded and she will not listen to his teacher. Rabah who are intelligent he try his best although he don’t like to go school. Louise is very ashamed in the class. Wei is the Chinese student. Carl is different from his/her classmates, Carl is newly student he knows how to respect the teacher. Soulemayne is a bad student inside the class. The main problems of Mr. Marin inside the class are soulemayne, Esmeralda and khoumba. Mr. Marin did his best to help his/her students to become well-disciplined and to become responsible to their studies so that the money the effort of the parents well not wasted. Mr. Marin thinks well if what method he uses to help his/her students to learn in a proper way. The Common method that Mr. Marin uses is Lecture, Hands on, homework, questioning, oral recitation, and exercises. This method can help his learners to learn more. Mr. Marin tried his best to manage the students inside and outside the classroom. It’s very hard for his part to manage the learners it’s because they have different nationalities. But his hoping that he well changes the behavior and attitude of his/her students. He let his learners to speak what is the problem so that he can help them or to have a solution on that certain problem. The way he teaches he is very calm although his learners have a different reaction and attitude if he is going to teach. Every parents of his learner are called to interview so that he will determine the main problem of his student for him to have a solution and to minimize that problem and to know how to handle his learners. Teachers do their best to impart his/her knowledge to the learners. Teachers use a different method of teaching it’s because he want to learn his learners in an easy way. And to easily get what he is being taught to them. One of the students of Mr. Marin approaches him and said sir I have learn nothing. Well if I am a teacher I would probably ask him/her why he has learned nothing from me because it is impossible if you’re student has learned nothing from you. People learn through observation and it is a big question to you as a teacher that your student has learn nothing from you. You as a teacher did your best to teach your student to learn. If one of my students will say that to me I will test her so that I will know if there is a mistake the way I teach to my student and I will say that if he has learned nothing from there are tendency that he/she will not listening to me and although he is physically present but his mind was flying elsewhere.

Friday, October 12, 2012

"The Art of Questioning"

b>Week No. 20 Miss Reporter tackled about the art of questioning. According to her that good teaching involves good questioning, especially when large groups of students are being taught. It is very important as a teacher to ask question to the students to know if they will really understand of what you’ve being taught to them. Either the teacher or the students will throw a question after the discussion. We all know that questioning is one of the method of teaching and most of the teacher will prefer to use this one. If you ask question to your students or to you teacher you need to say to it that it is appropriate to your topic and it is not a nonsense question. You throw question that will help you to learn more. It is better to ask a challenging question to your students. We all know that questioning is one way of gaining new information to other people. Questioning is an interpersonal communication.

"Laboratory Method"

Week No. 19 Mr. Reporter tackled about laboratory method. According to him laboratory method is a set of firsthand learning activity such as: investigate problem, conducts experiments, observes processes, and applied theories in a simulated setting. It is quite similar to supervised study. Laboratory method is also synonymous with the experimental method. Laboratory method is important if your subject need to have a laboratory because laboratory will help you more to understand well about the topic. It is important especially to the scientist to have laboratory because it will help them to understand further about their topic. Laboratory is a hand on performance. Like computer the students need to perform hands on activity to know how to use the computer.

"Classroom Management"

Week No. 18 Mr. Reporter tackled about Classroom management. According to him classroom management is an integral part of teaching. Good classroom management establishes a learning atmosphere. As a teacher you need to maintain good classroom management to help your student to learn and your students will eager to learn more about your topic. Classroom management includes operation and control of activities involving details as seating arrangement, attendance, and utilization of instructional materials. There are five approaches in classroom management they are assertive approach, business academic approach, the behavior modification approach, group managerial approach. This approach will help you as a teacher to become more effective if you will maintain in your class the good classroom management. As a teacher you need to accept the fact that if you were going to teach there are tendency that you’ve encounter the different behavior of your learners.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Week No 18 Mr. Reporter tackled about the seminar. Seminar group is a deliberative body looking for the solution to the problem from the evidence based on reading, experiences and minds of its participants. Seminar is very common to us especially to the students. Seminar is very useful because in attending seminar you can gain knowledge. Most of the speaker in seminar is more on lecture that sometimes the students are getting bored to listen. The steps in preparing for a discussion in a seminar depend on how the complex seminar problem is, how much of an expert the leader, how skillful the leader is in guiding through. These steps will help the speaker to success or to improve his/her performance. It is great advantage when the leader knows and knowledgeable enough about the topic.


Week No. 17 Miss Reporter tackled about learning module as instructional materials. She said that one of the most widely accepted instructional materials is the learning module. Yes, module is very important especially to the students who are working. Some school are using module like tesda to them module is one of the materials of their learning’s. Through module students can learned it depends to you on how to handle your study through module. There are criteria of a good instructional module whereas it is very important if you were going to create a module. Some teacher is allowed the students to create a module about their topic and it is one of his/her requirement to make a module so as a student you need to follow your teacher. Making module is not so easy because there are components of module you need to choose your attractive title in order to catch the attention of the learners.

"Demonstation Method'

Week No. 16 Miss Reporter tackled about the demonstration method. She said that demonstration method is basically the showing method. It is a learning method through imitation. Teacher should use demonstration method especially when the subject is need to show what is the correct way to use for example is computer demonstration is very useful to easily catch the learners if what the teacher emphasize. There are steps in demonstration method this are purposing, planning, demonstration proper, executing, and evaluation. As a teacher you need to follow this step to become more effective if you will use this method. It is well organized and your learners are active. Teacher should facilitate his/her students to lessen or to avoid different problem.